Tales of Wocdes: The Silver Protector 

Tales of Wocdes: The Silver Protector is a high fantasy interactive fiction made in Twine. During the story, your protagonist will change from a helpless child to a Silver Protector, an elite warrior and protector. In time, you may wield powerful magic, or be a master of the blade.  

The game is in early development. All content is subject to change.

There is something on tumblr.

Demo version

The current demon contains a prologue, an interlude and chapter 1. The prologue and interlude have a limited amount of choices. Chapter 1 has a lot of choices. 

Feedback for the game

I would appreciate the reporting of bugs, typos and constructive feedback. The comments should be on on this page, or you can use email: talesofwocdes@gmail.com. Please see the feedback page inside the game for more detail. The option to see it appears at the end of the demo.  


Wocdes is a world full of magic, monsters, and secrets. No beings in this world embody all three better than the Ancients,  godlike in power and unbeatable in battle. Incredibly wise and compassionate. Incredibly terrible and cruel. Immortal and glorious. Petty and vengeful. Or so the stories go. 

Not that you know the stories. Why would you? You are a child kidnapped for unknown purposes.  You barely know anything about yourself. Your life is one of pain and suffering at the hands of people you do not know. 

In a moment of desperation, a plea leaves your lips. Or perhaps it is only in your mind. Unexpectedly something hears you and will never ignore a broken child alone in the dark asking for help. You are saved but you are permanently scarred by your experiences. Given into the care of the newly created Orphanage of Firgrat, here is where your journey truly begins. How will you cope with your past and current reality?  Can survive the cruel world of Wocdes, the weight of your trauma? Can you help others survive? Can you grow up, make friends, learn to love, and become a real person again?

What to look forward to

In this game, you will (eventually) be able to:

  • Customize your character, from their appearance and gender (male, female, non-binary) to their abilities and personality.
    • Admittedly, your characters emotional development has taken a bit of a hit due to recent events, leaving them a bit confused in general about... everything. 
  • Discover why you were kidnapped, eventually.
  • Protect those you feel deserve it, become stronger for yourself or to protect others.
  • Grow up alongside other orphans and kids from the city, journey through childhood at the orphanage and the surrounding city, to adulthood with responsibilities. 
  • Develop your relationships with your fellow orphans and other companions, maybe even get into a romance. 
  • Speaking of romance, the author aims to offer an option to be completely and utterly dense about romance, like completely oblivious to the degree people worry about you. Or maybe you will be a smoother operator.
  • Go on adventures and missions, both innocent and not, in an original fantasy world full of magic, wonder and cruelty.



  • The twins Atru (m) and Azha (f): The original inhabitants of the orphanage and the only children already there when you arrive. Both twins have short blond hair and green eyes. Atru is a seemingly silent emotionless boy who clings to his sister Azha. Azha is a little girl shaped ray of sunshine and well-meaning mischief. And chatter!
  • More characters will be filled out later.


  • Havard (m): The head custodian of the Orphanage. A father figure to all the children. His duty is to guide the children, and it is a duty he takes very seriously.
  • Lexia (f): The Silver Protector in charge of you. Young, excitable and strong. One of the first to be chosen for the new elite order called the Silver Protectors.
  • Alessa (f): The custodian in charge of the twins. A sweet young somewhat shy woman who the twins adore, both in their own ways. 
  • Sandor (m): The Silver Protector in charge of the twins. A good-natured and somewhat shy young man often trailing after the twins with a fond look. 

The Ancients

  • RAFO (Read And Find Out). You might meet some. 


This is a work of fiction! Any potential resemblance of appearances, names, or personalities of characters with people in real life, living or dead, is coincidental.

This story is meant for adults. The game contains depictions of violence, blood, gore, sexually suggestive content, black humor, explicit language etc. A more complete list can be found in game. Like everything else, this list is subject to change. 

The game contains dealing with traumatic events. The author is not a qualified medical professional, and the in game responses to trauma are not in any way encouraged.  If you are uncomfortable with what you are reading, please refrain from continuing until you feel better. Or drop the story entirely. None of this is worth your health.

Known issues 

  • It seems that on mobile, the choices at the end of a page will simply not be visible (at least on my phone) if a few empty lines is not left in the Twine file after the choices. I have tried to remember to always do this, but do let me know if there are any instances of this. 
  • Spacing between paragraphs needs to be done by hand. Coding counts so if I forget to put in the right commands, the spacing can be off. 

Updated 16 days ago
Published 22 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(31 total ratings)
AuthorTales Of Wocdes
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
TagsCharacter Customization, Dark Fantasy, Dark Humor, Fantasy, Magic, Singleplayer, Story Rich, Text based, Twine
Average sessionAbout an hour
InputsMouse, Touchscreen
AccessibilityOne button

Development log


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(2 edits) (+1)

I'm only just at chapter one but im already crying, i love Sheo and Havard and Lexia, i can't wait to make sure my sweet baby gets all the love she needs while being completely unsure how to handle it 

Adding this while getting my name from Havard and he chose a name I legit have in my MC name list, i was meant to find this IF 😅 

Okay just finished chapter one and you're killing me here, this was so good, I'm absolutely in love

Wow, that is some very high praise! Thank you very much! Clearly Havard has some good taste in names :D 


This was a really interesting start I haven't been this invested in a story in a long time(Also I would love it if there was an option to call lord sheo grandpa)

Thank you! Your wish will probably come true, I have a vague idea for a scene in mind :D 


I loved your work, it shows that you put a lot of love into the story, I liked the reference that is in the profile (if something sounds strange it is because English is not my native language and it is translated with Google)

No problems, this is good English in my opinion at least. It is not my first language either. Happy to hear you liked the story and the little reference :D 


This was really good! Can't wait for more in the future!

(1 edit) (+1)

Edit I was gonna point out a couple of the spelling mistakes in the early game but now I'm thinking that pointing them out here may spoil some of the early game so I'll communicate those another way. But I still wanna say how excited I am about this project and I wish the best for it's development

Happy to hear you like the project! Thank you for your support and discretion! I will gladly hear about spelling mistakes! tumblr or email (in the demo feedback page) would work. 


Currently in the interlude. I'm playing through with they/them pronouns. I've seen a few instances where words don't change to fit the plural, such as one where it said "They nuzzles into Lord Sheo" when it should nuzzled. I also saw where "is" should've been "are" and "was" should've been "were." I imagine it can be easy to keep track of the words that change when changing from he and she to they. Other than that, I'm excited to see where this goes!

Thank you for the feedback! I will try to see if I can fix that!


Loved it! This is a super interesting premise, creative too! Can't wait to read more :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Glad to hear that! Thank you! Aah, it seems all my responses are basically the same :D Oh well, they are true. 


So far I love it!! Made me want to cry!


Thank you very much! Glad to hear some emotions landed! 


This looks good and has potential, it's a bit early for me to say more but growing stronger in an orphanage in a fantasy setting sound like a lot of fun.


Thank you! Let's hope growing up will be fun.... :D 


what a sad, bitter and still so beautiful start in your story. I'm glad the ancient found and rescued us, no one should ever do this to a child. (nor to other living beings.) i'm happy my MC trusted Havard and it was so sweet to 'see' them hugging each other :D I'm looking forward to read more and meet the other characters <3

oh and I found a writing mistake, it should be coughing, not couching (if you mean the 'cough, cough' sound when we try to talk to Havard C: )


Thank you! Happy to hear you liked it so far! And thank you for the typo! I will fix that.


Awesome stuff. Can’t wait to follow this games progress.


Thank you! I am glad you like it so far!