Status update: C3 and Tales From The Past

Chapter 3 update

Unfortunately, C3 will take some time. I have stuff going on irl, that takes priority. I think, C3 is currently standing at roughly 22.8 k words (might include some notes), and there is more to be written.  Most of it needs to be implemented into twine and the coding needs to be done. During that, there is probably some additional flavor text etc. to be added, then proofreading and editing. So it will be a while. 

Tales From the Past update

The demo is currently at about 19k browser plays :D That is awesome, and thank you all.

I did promise more of this story when 20 k is reached, did I not? Therefore, the Havard story part 2 (~11 500 words) is now available in in pdf form for kofi supporters. This version still needs some proofreading but I do that when converting to twine. Then once 20 k is actually reached, and I have converted it all to twine, it will be made available to all.

So currently, Tales From the Past is about ~22 500 words.

This same update is available on the blog page, but with sneak peaks from C3, and the Tales From the Past next update. 


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Irl stuff always takes priority, don't worry, it'll be more than worth it for us


I'm sure itll be worth the wait! My aichmophobic lil bean awaits!


No worries. RL takes priority. Will be waiting.